I had tonight off and got a late start painting. As I said before, I have a Dakka Jet that I wanted to get started on.
I bought this back in July and almost immediately got it built then SHINEY (hobby ADD kicked in). So I have a ton of Orks back in the States and I want to do them as Bad Moon. Yellow is such a striking color but I know it's a pain to paint. This is basically my test model to learn what not to do... and boy did I learn a few things.
First I primed it using Vallejo White Airbrush Primer. Then I did some pre-shading with Vallejo Black Airbrush Primer and painted the engine, guns and exhaust ports (basically, anything that will be metallic) with the same.
I then used Vallejo Air Yellow. After the first coat I was concerned that the coverage wasn't going to be what I had hoped for. I did a second coat and knew I was screwed. Like I said... this is the model to learn what not to do. Pics are after second coat of yellow.
This prompted me to have to hit the black areas with white again. I know that Vallejo Air White doesn't cover black real well so I went ahead and hit it with a light primer coat over the areas that needed it.
Once this was done I shot two more coats of yellow on the areas that were now white then hit the whole model with a third coat of yellow.
That is all for tonight. I'm going to let this dry overnight then seal it. When my paint order comes in I'll be giving it a liberal wash with a GW Seraphim Sepia. After that we'll just have to see how I like the color.
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