Sunday, May 5, 2013

You Light Up My Life

Kickstarter alert!

Powered Play, a company that makes easy to use plug and play lighting sets has been featured on a lot of podcasts lately.  I had heard about them a few weeks ago and looked into their kickstarter but in the end, it just didn't appeal to me.

I heard the other day that they had pulled their kickstarter because it wasn't going well and they will be relaunching it on Monday.  I'm looking forward to it this time because even though I don't care so much about adding lights to my models, I am really interested in lighting up my buildings and terrain features.

Burn in Designs recently posted up some photos on their facebook page of one of their building kits with a Powered Play light kit added and it really got my interest going.  So this time, they will have my backing.

I strongly encourage you to look into them when they launch again on Monday.  Even if you don't want to use the light kits on your gaming models they can be used in so many cool ways.

I'm glad to say that they have a bright future.

Speaking of future... here is a little about the future for me.

I am going on vacation in less than 2 weeks and will be gone for about a month.  I'll try to post a few updates while I'm gone but it will be even more sporadic than my normal schedule.

When I'm back in "The Stan" I am going to be forcing the hobby to take a back seat to some other things I need to focus on.  I'm about to turn 42 years old and am noticing that I look more and more like my dad every day.  I'm overweight and have little energy and I'm pretty sure I'm a heart attack waiting to happen so I am going to force myself to spend an hour in the gym at least three times a week and am going to start walking/running every day.  I know I can do it, it's just a matter of making myself do it and not let myself put painting on front of this more important goal.  I will weigh in when I get back and will try to lose at least 15 pounds before I go to Hawaii in October.

Also I am going to start focusing more on learning about the retail business.  I've been reading a lot and listening to a lot of audio books and self help books trying to learn all I can in preparation for opening a game store in the near future.  I need to get more serious about this and stop procrastinating.

So, in the coming months I will be limiting myself to three hobby nights each week and the rest of the time will be spent reading and studying.  I want to get my mind and body in much better shape so they will help me in the years to come.

I will also put the blog on a regular schedule and will update three times each week.

Oh... and I am almost finished with the World Eaters Tac Marines.  Pics will hopefully be posted tomorrow.



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