Tuesday, February 5, 2013

40K Project #1 - Nurgle Plague Army

As soon as I saw the new Chaos Space Marine Codex, I fell in love with the ability to run Plague Zombies and even before the net lists hit the web I was ordering the Mantic Zombies to get started.

Here is my list for 2000 points

7 Nurgle Terminators (6x Power Axe, 1x Reaper Autocannon) (Gift of Mutation & Power Sword on Champion)
11 Plague Marines (2x Flamer) (Gift of Mutation on Champion)
35 Plague Zombies
35 Plague Zombies
35 Plague Zombies
35 Plague Zombies
5 Nurgle Spawn
5 Nurgle Spawn
3 Nurgle Obliterators

Yes, I know it's weak against flyers but I think it'll be a blast to play.

I've completed 80 of the 140 Zombies and have Typhus and the Plague Marines on hand that are getting cleaned up to be built.  Waiting on the Spawn and the HiTech Terrorizors that I'll use as Obliterators.  Still debating on ordering the Death Guard Terminators to use with this army.

Here are the 80 Plague Zombies I have finished.

Here are the remaining 60 Plague Zombies I need to finish.


  1. Hey, these zombies look awesome. I've been wanting to do a similar thing. Maybe not so many of course. Did you use the Vampire Count Zombies from the Warhammer range? or another 3rd party kit?

  2. Scratch my last.. I found the models you used.. Mantic Zombie Horde.. :D glad I stumbled over this thread.. 60 zombies for 58 Australian dollars.. BARGAIN! plus they look more detailed than the GW zeds.. Cheers!
