Thursday, April 18, 2013

Alternate Missions

Here are some Experimental Missions that I've been working on.  I would like some C&C on this idea.

DISCLAIMER:  This is NOT a Games Workshop Product
First off, this game play scenario and all special rules associated with it were created without permission from Games Workshop. This scenario was created entirely not for profit, and the authors fully recognize the intellectual property claims of Games Workshop on all their copyrighted and trademarked material. This was created purely because of the authors’ dedication and love of the Warhammer 40K universe.

Hidden Victory Conditions
The ebb and flow of battle is as endless as the ways to wage.  Not all armies are equal nor are all objectives.  Secrecy can be key to winning a battle.  Your mission will not necessarily be the same as that of your opponent.
To set up a Hidden Victory Condition game players will first roll on the Random Deployments chart in the Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook.  Players will then each randomly pick three victory conditions.  These can be chits with the mission name or slips of paper.  Choose one of the three to be your mission and keep it secret, only to be revealed at the end of the game.  After each player has chosen his condition they will roll off for Night Fight (4+) and then roll for first turn as normal.  The winner may choose to go first or second.  The player going first will then choose which deployment zone they want to use and set up as normal.  The player going second then sets up and can attempt to seize the initiative on a D6 roll of 6. 
It is recommended that after deployment each player draws a quick map of the battlefield highlighting specific pieces of terrain in the event that they have a victory condition that includes holding objectives.  Even if your victory condition is not an objective based one you should do this to be sneaky.

Use the standard rules for ending the game found in the Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook
After the game has ended both players reveal their Victory Conditions and declare whether they have completed their missions or not and how many Victory Points each was worth.  The player with the most Victory Points has won the game, even if they have no models left on the table at the end of the game. 
Victory Conditions
1.       Assassination   (3 VPs) Secretly nominate a single HQ choice from your opponent’s army.  Your mission is to kill that target.  If the enemy HQ survives or flees off the table you have failed this mission. 
2.       Martyr   (3VPs) Secretly nominate one of your HQ choices.  That character’s mission is to be killed by the end of the game.  If the character survives or flees off the table you have failed this mission.
3.       Slow Them Down   (1VP per Fast Attack choice completely destroyed to 3VP max) Your mission is to destroy all your opponent’s Fast Attack choices.  Units that flee off the table count as casualties towards your goal.  If your opponent has no Fast Attack choices in his army you will fail this mission.
4.       Silence The Guns   (1VP per Heavy Support choice completely destroyed to 3VP max)  Your mission is to destroy all your opponent’s Heavy Support choices.  Units that flee off the table count as casualties towards your goal.  If your opponent has no Heavy Support choices in his army you will fail this mission.
5.       Tide Of Dead   (1VP per Troop choice completely destroyed to 3VP max) Your mission is to destroy all your opponent’s Troops choices.  Units that flee off the table count as casualties towards your goal. 
6.       Not So 1337 – (1VP per Elite choice completely destroyed to 3VP max) Your mission is to destroy all your opponent’s Elite choices.  Units that flee off the table count as casualties towards your goal.  If your opponent has no Elite choices in his army you will fail this mission.
7.       Natural Born Killer – (1VP per unit completely destroyed by this unit to 3VP max) Secretly nominate one or your units (not vehicles/flyers).  Your mission is for that unit to destroy (or be involved in a combat that wipes out) 3 enemy choices.  These can be a single character model (Independent Character), a unit, a vehicle or a squadron.  Note – Squadrons count as 1 choice.  Enemy units that flee off the table do not count as a kill for this mission.
8.       Lord Of War – (1VP per unit completely destroyed by this model to 3VP max) Secretly nominate one of your single model HQ choices.  Your mission is for that character to destroy (or be involved in a combat that wipes out) 3 enemy choices.  These can be a single character model, a unit, a vehicle or a squadron.  Note – Squadrons count as 1 choice.  Enemy units that flee off the table do not count as a kill for this mission.
9.       Blow Them To Hell – (1VP per unit completely destroyed by this vehicle to 3VP max) Secretly nominate one of your vehicles (tank, skimmer, flyer) choices.  Your mission is for that vehicle to destroy 3 enemy choices.  These can be a single character model, a unit, a vehicle or a squadron.  Note – Squadrons count as 1 choice.  Enemy units that flee off the table do not count as a kill for this mission.
10.   Led From the Front – (3VPs)Secretly nominate one of your HQ choices.  Your mission is to end the game with that character in your opponent’s deployment zone. 
11.   Breakthrough – (1VP per unit/character successfully in the enemy deployment zone to 3VP max) Your mission is to have 3 units/characters (not vehicles) in your opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game.  Units must be at least half strength to count.  
12.   Keep Them Rolling – (1VP per vehicle in your opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game to 3VP max) Your mission is to have 3 vehicles (tank or skimmer but not flyer) in your opponent’s deployment zone at the end of the game.  Immobilized vehicles do not count towards this objective.
13.   Hold the Line – (1VP per unit in your deployment zone over those your opponent has in your deployment zone to 3VP max) Your mission is to have more units/vehicles/characters (not flyers) in your deployment zone than your opponent has in your deployment zone.  Immobilized vehicles do not count towards this objective.  Each choice from the force org chart counts as 1 point.  Units from both sides must be at least half strength to count.
14.   Flood the Lines – (1VP per unit in your opponent’s deployment zone over those your opponent has in his deployment zone to 3VP max) Your mission is to have more units/vehicles/characters in your opponent’s deployment zone than your opponent does.  Immobilized vehicles do not count towards this objective.  Each choice from the force org chart counts as 1 point.  Flyers will not count toward this objective.  Units must be at least half strength to count.
15.   Cover the Land – (1VP per successfully controlled table quarter to 3VP max) Your mission is to control more table quarters than your opponent does.  Any model can hold a table quarter.  Immobilized vehicles and Flyers do not count towards this objective.  In order to control a table quarter you must have more units/vehicles in the quarter than your opponent.


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